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Radon Mitigation

A radon mitigation system works by removing radon gas from beneath your home's slab before it enters your home. Whether you live in a home with a basement, crawlspace, or a slab-on-grade, a radon mitigation system will effectively lower your radon levels. 

Radon Testing

Radon is a only detectable by having a radon test done. You never know what your radon levels are unless you get tested because it is a colorless, odorless, and tasteless gas. Radon is the #1 cause of lung cancer in non-smokers, so get your home tested!

Crawlspace Encapsulation

When mitigating radon levels in a home with a crawlspace, encapsulation is the first step in order to create a suction between the soil and the rest of the home. However, having your crawlspace encapsulated is a great idea even if your home does not have elevated radon levels!

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